What is SEO and how to use it?

SEO or search engine optimization is a set of online tools that help to attract additional traffic to a blog or web store page. This, in turn, directly affects the number of potential customers and allows you to increase sales. Also, with the help of SEO, you can improve the recognition of the site and navigation in it.
What is SEO. Portland, Maine

How does this optimization work?
Various search engines, such as Google, Bing, or Yahoo, use special sophisticated algorithms to display search results. Accordingly, at the moment when we are looking for something on the Internet, search engines by various factors give us requests in descending order of popularity and distribution. As a result, the use of SEO tools provides an important advantage over your competitors and their sites not optimized for users' search queries.

Optimization and improvements can be carried out both for filling the site to create user-friendly management for the user, and directly to work with search engines, which significantly affects the popularity of the site and its promotion up in the rating for queries.

SEO tools are a huge amount, and they are all used for different purposes, of course. Nevertheless, they can be divided into several groups, which are combined according to their functional:
tools for keyword analysis,
• Tracking the site's ranking,
• search for actual content,
• building links and other technical tasks.

Using keywords allows you to send a search query to the site, based on its ranking. Services such as Google AdWords process a huge amount of data and directly affect search queries, making it difficult to find relevant and unique keywords, but this tool remains important and useful for driving traffic. The best examples of such tools are Ubersuggest or SEMrush.

Site Rating
For search engines, site ranking is an important criterion when displaying a query. Analyzing search queries, you can determine the effectiveness of the selected marketing strategy, as well as its elements that need to be improved. For this task, often use services such as Google Search Console and Authority Labs, which graphically display search results and provide detailed reports.

Filling out pages
There are also tools that allow you to determine and find the actual content on the selected topic. The topics and material are already optimized and customized for search queries, what make such tools as or necessary to create content of a website interesting to your audience.

Building links and technical tasks
The so-called "link building tools" or "mass building" are designed to display the current information on the selected website, find hidden details and create external links to your site. By getting backlinks to your website from quality resources, you can multiply its attendance. To track the results of this work, you usually use LinkMiner, Buzzstream or Majestic Backlink Analyzer.

To solve the problems that arise in the code and optimize its work, there are special programs that allow solving complex technical problems. For example, WooRank identifies problems related to ineffective site operation, and Screaming Frog analyzes web pages and provides important information in the form of tables.

Last but not least one of the most useful tools for effective SEO - Google Analytics, Webmaster Tools, Trends, Adobe Analytics or HitWise. All these and many other programs help in the selection of keywords and subjects of materials filling sites, increasing its ranking and popularity in search queries. And if you need a complete and comprehensive optimization of the site for search engines, the team of professionals will always be able to provide you with qualified work and help.
